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OK... about me... this is a little bit difficult, so here goes.  Using a few pointers to help me tell you about myself :-)


So...what do I do?

I've always been arty and tried my hand at many different types of crafts over the years.  However, I kept on returning to drawing and painting.  A few years ago, a friend suggested I take "Bloom True: the E-Course" by Flora Bowley.  WOW! I loved it!!!  The freedom of painting in layers, making no mistakes, making marks, experimenting with colours, listening to my intuition, letting things flow - was amazing! So, that became my thing.  I suppose I'd call myself an intuitive mixed media artist.  Mixed media - because I'll use whatever type of media (acrylic paint, watercolours, ink, charcoal, collage, glitter glue, bits of nature...) whatever takes my fancy at the time I'm creating.


More recently, I've become fascinated with creating paintings that can be interpreted by different people as different things.  The idea that people see different images in the same painting intrigues me.  Each of my abstract paintings is wired so the viewer can hang the piece in whichever orientation or view appeals to them.  The view of the piece can be changed, just by rotating the painting by 90, 180 or 270 degrees - almost like having 4 different pieces of art work for your wall!


Now... how I do it?

I prefer to work mainly with large canvases and LOVE to feel the paint, to get right in amongst the paint and canvas.  I mostly use my hands and fingers, and experiment with using organic objects for stamping and making marks too. 

With my larger 'pouring' pieces, I'm very physical with the canvas, my arms and legs are often smattered with paint.  Watching the paints merge, blend and swirl together makes me feel like an excited little girl. 


Finally...why do I do it?

There are 2 main reasons why I create.  The first reason - creating, making art, quietens my mind and makes me feel peaceful, more aware of my surroundings; of the dappled sun through the trees, the flight of the native bee flitting around the tomato flowers, the drone of the insects eating the fruit on the possum feeder, the almost frantic chatter of the lorikeets in the flowering gum, the smell of the jasmine on the neighbours fence.  

The second reason is to promote conversation or thought amongst people.  Not because I think my art is edgy and out to make a dramatic statement about the state of our nation or the environment or politics; but to show people that we each bring our own experiences, ideas, feelings - interpretations - to art... and well, to life.  By listening and talking about these interpretations, we begin to understand each other a bit more.  By understanding each other a bit more, we take a step closer to acceptance, and yes, OK, got to say it, even closer to world peace!


Thank you for reading to the end. I didn't end up having trouble with what to say, did I?


I would love to hear your interpretations on my art, what you see, which view you prefer, how it makes you feel. 

Please send me an email (Contact page) or via Facebook or Instagram.


Keep smiling :-)


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